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Photo 19-01-2020, 19 57 26 (3).jpg


April 27, 2021

Catamaran MaXim follows the following governmental guidelines for Private and chartered recreational boats & yachts: 

✓ Only persons from four households can board recreational boats and yachts at any one time, including the captain in the case of chartered boats and yachts.

This means for charters we can take max. 3 households on board as the skipper is considered as 1 household.

(up to max.12 guests + crew)

✓ Wearing of masks or visors and hand sanitizing as per applicable legislation.

✓Operator and Authorised Instructor are to ensure that social distancing is

maintained at all times.

✓ Persons and staff waiting for the vessel at landing sites are to wear face masks and observe the social distance of 2 metres from other persons throughout their waiting time.

✓ No alcohol is permitted on the premises or on board any sea craft.

✓ Thorough cleaning of the vessel or craft is to be carried out between each


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